Aims & Objectives

Our mission is clear: to be a driving force behind the prosperity of agriculture in our region and our objectives revolve around cultivating a sustainable and vibrant farming landscape. We’re committed to educating the public, celebrating our farming community and fostering the next generation’s interest in agriculture.


Our events are a platform to celebrate the richness of our countryside

Shows & Events


Explore our educational grants enabling the success of the next generation in agriculture

Awards & Grants


We are advocates for a sustainable and prosperous future for agriculture

Find out more


Our events showcase the best in agriculture

These events bring together like-minded individuals who share a passion for all things agricultural. Join us as we celebrate traditions, innovations, and everything that makes our industry thrive.

Shows & Events
Trophy winners at Notts County Show


Empowering the next generation

The NNAS empowers the future of the industry by offering educational guidance and financial grants. Providing essential support, we ensure the next generation of agriculture thrives and succeeds.

Our Awards & Grants
Educating young farmers


Championing excellence and community in agriculture

Through the annual ‘Service to Agriculture Awards’ and ‘Long Service to a Single Farm Award,’ we recognise outstanding contributions in the field. Additionally, our commitment extends to championing rural communities, uniting them at the County Show through the ‘Community Zone’ and showcasing heritage and rural crafts.

Grants & Awards

Our partners